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Hyperrhiz 12
Special Issue :
Mapping Culture Multimodally
Summer 2015
Edited by
Craig J. Saper
Nancy Duxbury
Table of Contents
Introduction: Mapping Culture Multimodally
Nancy Duxbury and Craig J. Saper
augmented maps
Border Memorial: Frontera de los Muertos
John Craig Freeman and Jessica Auchter
‘Time Window Weimar’: Students Map their Town’s History through Augmented Reality
Lisa-Katharina Förster and Folker Metzger
Uncovering the Campus: Memory, Space and Trauma
Félix Burgos
conversing with maps
Composing the Ordinary, Part 1: Beginnings
Petra Johnson
Interactive Sound Maps as Tools for the Transformation of Social Space
Marta Carrasco and Sergi Selvas
Conversational Mapping: Revaluing the Social Aspects of Art
Caroline Gausden and Helen Smith
Fluid Pixels: Communicating Water Sustainability through Digital Art
Alys Longley, James Hutchinson, Charlotte Šunde, Sasha Matthewman and Karen Fisher
The Signifying Quilt: Creating Voice for Hurricane Katrina Survivors and their Stories
Michelle Ferrier
After Cinema: Projection Mapping Digital Culture in the Video-Esséance
Craig J. Saper and Lynn Tomlinson
mapping e-lit
Situating Change: Combinatory Writing, Collaboration, and Technopolitical Reality
Scott Rettberg
The Last Volcano / Det siste utbruddet
Roderick Coover and Scott Rettberg
Rats and Cats / Katter og rotter
Roderick Coover and Scott Rettberg
Nick Montfort and Scott Rettberg
Michael James Rizza: an Interview
Dean Casale
Marcus Rediker,
Outlaws of the Atlantic
Jessica Floyd
Kelsi Nagy and Phillip David Johnson II (Eds.),
Trash Animals
Tissa J. Thomas